Monday, June 1, 2009

VHS To DVD Transfers As As Emotional As They Are Technical

We've talked quite a bit about just how popular VHS to DVD transfers are these days but this time we'd like to showcase a testimonial received by Best DVD Solutions. This testimonial really shows how the VHS to DVD transfer process isn't just a technical one it's also a sentimental and sometimes emotional one for those who hand their old home movies over to Best DVD Solutions. The VHS to DVD transfer testimonial is as follows:

Hey Dianna,

I just wanted to provide you some feedback about my experience with your company. From the minute I looked up your website until my wife opened up her Christmas present, every aspect of my experience was phenomenal. When I first came to visit you for the first time, I was a bit unsure about handing over my family's home movies, but you took the time to go over every video to make sure I really wanted to put it on DVD. This helped me tremendously with budgetary decisions, but also showed me that every tape that we owned was precious no matter what the content, and you provided me with the security of knowing that you would take care of these videos as if they were your very own. By the time I left that first meeting, I knew that our family movies were in good hands. You provided a very reasonable cost estimate and delivered the product well before my anticipated time of completion. Your customer service was very warm and inviting and was just a great overall experience. When my wife opened her Christmas gift this year, her tears told the whole story. In fact, our whole family sat and watched home movies all day instead of playing with our new Christmas presents. My wife is already talking about bringing in the rest of the tapes as well as her mom's stuff. Thanks again for all your work, it was greatly appreciated and we look forward to working with you again.

Blessings to you and your family,
Scott Crawford

Many people opt for a VHS to DVD transfer for the same reasons Scott did. The ability to watch old home movies whenever the mood strikes is something people really cherish. VCR's and VHS cassettes are not only hard to find or pull from storage but are often difficult to hook up to modern television sets. When Best DVD Solutions performs VHS to DVD transfers they do it with love and care so that not only do your keepsakes end up on a more durable medium but they can improve the audio and video on most videos as well.

We thought this testimonial would, instead of telling how popular VHS to DVD transfers are, show you why. If you have old home movies and would like to have a VHS to DVD transfer applied to your videos, please contact Best DVD Solutions for assistance! You may also visit their VHS to DVD transfer website for additional details on their many video services.

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