Tuesday, August 18, 2009

VHS To DVD Transfers For The Holidays

Thought it doesn't naturally end until September, August is traditionally seen as the end of summer. Labor Day celebrations and the accompanying three day weekend mark the end of the season and people then turn their attention to impending cooler weather, school, and the holidays. In fact many people opt to begin shopping for holiday gifts during the summer and now that the season is rapidly coming to a close the shopping season will soon be in full swing.

Even before you begin shopping for gifts you must first determine what you want to buy and for whom. Tastes and needs vary however from person to person and deciding what to buy can be difficult. One thing that all people enjoy however is a bit of nostalgia. Revisiting the past can be a lot of fun and can be something people do together. As everyone enjoys nostalgia and even sentimentality it might be wise to consider buying people gifts that emphasize the past.

One such gift that's become extremely popular as of late is VHS to DVD transfers. A VHS to DVD transfer is essentially a process by which your old home movies are sent to professionals who then clean up the video, digitize it, and place them on DVD. It's common knowledge that DVD's are much more durable than VHS cassettes but many people often overlook the convenience aspect that an VHS to DVD transfer offers. Many of us still own VCR's but the majority of us have packed them away and have not used them in quite some time. VCR's can also be difficult to hook up to modern equipment and may not play as well due to lack of care and being packed away for so long.

Though many old home movies contain precious moments captured to video, few people want to take the time to locate their old VCR's (if they even have one), find room for the old machine amidst their modern equipment, and attempt to get everyone together for just that moment. The holidays are a popular time to watch old home movies but in truth many people these days pass on that tradition only because the efforts required to watch old movies is just to much. By purchasing a VHS to DVD transfer you'll not only be placing the recipients movies (or your own) onto a more durable and reliable medium, there won't be any hindrances when everyone expresses interest in watching their old movies.

As the holiday season draws closer, professionals will grow busier and busier with VHS to DVD transfers. Though the process is relatively quick, those who perform such transfers often become extremely busy in an effort to provide all their clients with a completed transfer in time for the holidays. This means that should you want to order a VHS to DVD transfer and have it completed in time for the holidays, don't wait. Transferring VHS to DVD now will ensure you get your videos in time for the holidays. Surprising someone with videos of yesteryear as well as friends and family who are no longer in their lives will make their holiday. You'll also have the opportunity to screen the movies together along with any other loved ones who might gather for holiday celebration.

Those who receive a VHS to DVD transfer as a gift this holiday season will also be impressed with how much better their old movies look and sound! By today's standards VHS is a primitive technology and as such playing old movies on modern television sets and listening to them through today's sound systems often results in disappointing viewing experience. When you transfer VHS to DVD videos undergo a digitizing process by which the audio and video receive an "upgrade". Drab colors found on the original VHS video are enhanced so that they become more vibrant and discernible from surrounding images while audio can be brought both up and/or down so that the movie has an even sound. Recipients of a VHS to DVD transfer will find that watching their old movies on their modern equipment is a far cry from watching them on old fashioned and outdated equipment.

If the idea of transferring VHS to DVD and giving restored movies to someone you love sounds like a good idea, please take some time to peruse Best DVD Solutions video transfer website. Best DVD solutions is the most popular DVD transfer Orange County service and has a number of different packages and services that allow for home movies on obsolete formats to be transferred to modern mediums.

In addition to VHS to DVD transfers Best DVD Solutions offers a myriad of other transfer services that make great holiday gifts. These include:

As you can see regardless of format, chances are Best DVD Solutions has a service that will allow you to move old videos from one format to another, and all at affordable prices. Should you be interested in a VHS to DVD transfer or any other for that matter please don't hesitate to contact Best DVD Solutions for assistance. Tech savvy individuals who have old movies stored on their computers can save time and money by sending Best DVD Solutions a digital copy of the movie for transfer to DVD as opposed to sending the cassette to them vial snail mail. No matter which method you use to get your videos to them, Best DVD Solutions will help you make someone in your life very happy this holiday season.

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