Sunday, October 25, 2009

8mm To DVD Transfers Just In Time For The Holidays

In the past we've talked about how transferring VHS to DVD makes a great holiday gift.  This time we're going to switch gears a bit and talk about 8mm to DVD transfers and how they too make wonderful gifts. If VHS is considered an old format by today's standards, then 8mm films must considered archaic in terms of technical ability and quality.  In fact many 8mm films have no sound on boast only moderate video quality at best.
8mm films have always been somewhat difficult to watch as they require proper lighting and a flat white surface or screen but these days it can be downright inconvenient and nearly impossible to watch old movies on 8mm film.  The format is so old that those who wish to view such a movie may no longer have a working projector nor might they be able to locate one.  Projector repairs are costly as they're based on obsolete technology and you've still got to create a dimly lit room or wait for the evening to roll around before you can view the film.
These issues make transferring 8mm to DVD a great idea and an even better gift.  We all know someone who's got old home movies stored away or lying around that they don't watch simply because of the aforementioned reasons.  Additionally these old movies usually contain family members and friends who've passed away, moved to other parts of the world and even old homes and vehicles that viewers will be happy to see.  Unfortunately however 8mm film is subject to a myriad of decomposition issues, the main one being Vinegar Syndrome which relentlessly eats away at 8mm film dries it out, turns the film brittle, and renders it unplayable and unrepairable.  Losing the precious memories on old 8mm home movies is something no one wants to have happen and an 8mm to DVD transfer eliminates the many threats faced by 8mm film by placing on a modern and extremely durable medium.

Imagine the look on the face of a loved one when they find out you've had they 8mm film transferred to DVD.  Their movies will be safe for all time and can even be passed down to future generations as the medium itself is designed to last nearly forever.  This also allows them or anyone who might desire to do so, to watch the movies on modern equipment during any part of the day.  Perhaps best of all however is the digitization process each 8mm to DVD transfer goes through.  Modern software and hardware now allows for old video and any accompanying audio to be improved upon so that any color or sound quality lost to time can be restored so that 8mm videos on DVD will look brilliant, vibrant, and sound better than ever before.

With the holiday season just a mere 4 1/2 weeks away now is a great time to order an 8mm to DVD transfer and transferring 8mm to DVD has never been easier either.  Companies like Best DVD Solutions make the process simple and fast requiring only that you send them your old movies which they then send back along with your new DVD's.  If you're a technically savvy individual you can also take advantage of their file upload service which negates the need for you to send them any physical media at all but rather allows you to upload your digital copies of movies straight to their site.

If you're ready to order an 8mm to DVD transfer be sure and contact Best DVD Solutions to get started and to receive your videos on time for the holidays.  You may also opt to visit their 8mm to DVD transfer website which contains details on not only this service but all of their other video transfer services as well.

Be sure to mention our blog and receive 10% off your 8mm to DVD transfer

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