Thursday, March 8, 2012

8mm Flims & Vinegar Syndrome

There many reasons to transfer old 8mm movies to DVD, among those the most important being to preserve family memories and to make storage of such movies more convenient and safe. One of the most often overlooked reasons however remains one of the most dangerous and poses the highest risk to old films.

This risk is known as vinegar syndrome and is essentially a terminal illness for all 8mm films that contract it. Vinegar syndrome sets in quite easily on 8mm movies that reside in storage spaces that aren't airtight and secure. Sadly the majority of all the movies wind up in boxes that sit in garages full of moisture, extreme heat, and bugs/insects.

Once vinegar syndrome sets in 8mm films become brittle and eventually crumbles away to dust rendering them unplayable. The only way to avoid losing your old home movies to vinegar syndrome is to transfer them to a more modern medium such as DVD discs. DVD's do not contract vinegar syndrome nor any other form of decay. So long as they are stored properly and kept away from direct sunlight, DVDs will last several lifetimes.

Should you have old 8mm films that need transferring please be sure to contact us that we may be of assistance.

Best DVD Solutions specializes in:

8mm To DVD Transfers, Orange County VHS To DVD Transfers, Slides to DVD Transfer

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